SKI AT YOUR OWN RISK. Ski in control and within your own ability. Teacup Nordic Ski Area is volunteer-patrolled by the Mt. Hood Ski Patrol on certain days, including most weekends and holidays; however, their volunteer service does not alleviate you of risk and liabilities; more info being available here. A sign near the Ray Garey Cabin indicates if the ski patrol is on duty. Cell phones work only in certain areas.
Beware of grooming machines! Our conditions typically require morning grooming; therefore, please prioritize safety and do not ski or stand near a grooming machine. Please step off the trail until the grooming machine has passed and do not ski directly behind the groomer.
Teacup Skier Responsibility Code
Ski Kind
When the snow has just been groomed, please give time for the trail to firm up by using alternative trails to ensure a great skiing experience for everyone later in the day!
Deep Snow
Please practice deep snow safety cautions. Teacup is blessed by Mother Nature a few times per year with snowstorm totals of 3 feet+... wow! This makes for a beautiful ski and a really long season of enjoyment! But also creates dangerous tree wells which skiers may fall into if one leaves the Ski Area's groomed trails. Falling into a tree well can be fatal. Please be careful!
Teacup Nordic is committed to providing all skiers an environment free from harassment and bullying. Any concerns should be directed to:
Be Weather Aware!
NOAA Weather Forecast for Teacup Nordic
Temira's Mt. Hood Forecast