Teacup COVID-19 Risk Reduction Plan

November 13, 2020

Teacup COVID-19 Risk Reduction Plan

COVID-19 Risk Reduction Plan 

Teacup Lake Nordic Club 

2020-2021 Season 

Last updated November 2o, 2020


1. Introduction

This post establishes the precautions and procedures that the Teacup Lake Nordic Club  will take to reduce the potential for COVID-19 transmission among the users of its facilities at Teacup Lake. 


2. Ray Garey Cabin, ski racks, facial coverings 

The cabin will be closed to the public, possibly for the duration of the pandemic but certainly  until widespread vaccination occurs. 

A chain, possibly with a sign, will be placed across the steps to prevent congregation on the porch. 

Exceptions: The groomer and other trail and facility maintenance crew members, and Mt. Hood Ski Patrol members. 

Facial coverings must be worn at all times in the cabin and on the porch by those with access. 

The Club will consider purchasing or otherwise obtaining disposable facial coverings such as surgical masks and making them available with a sign reminding visitors of the Oregon Health  Authority’s requirement that facial coverings be used by the public. 

The Club will consider constructing or purchasing benches to be placed along the trails to provide socially-distant seating. 


3. Vault toilets and port-a-potties 

Signs will be placed on the toilets and all rental port-a-potties requiring users to wear facial  coverings while inside or waiting in line. The signs will also request that the doors be left open in between users. 

Hand sanitizer dispensers will be provided inside and outside the doors. The signs will request that users sanitize their hands before entering and before exiting. 


4. Trails

Signs will request that users maintain at least six feet of distance from non-family members on  the trails and in the clearings whenever possible, even if it means slowing down or stopping to  provide adequate space. 

Users will also be asked to cover their mouths with their facial coverings when in the vicinity of other skiers.


5. Races

Only individual-start format races will be allowed.  

Facial coverings will be required in the start and finish areas and when passing or being passed  by other competitors. 

Race organizers will consider limiting the number of competitors for larger events such as the Teacup Classic. 


6. Signs and other information sources

In addition to the signs discussed above, signs will be prominently located at both parking lot  entrances and on the Teacup welcome sign. The signs will outline the basic elements of this  plan and will seek to impress upon users, in a non-condescending manner, the importance of  following the rules and protecting one another. Signs near the parking lot should emphasize  caution even in the parking lot. 

The signs will also provide contact information for the Club and encourage users to notify the Club of any known or suspected instances of viral transmission. 

The Club’s website will be updated to display a prominent link for COVID-19 information and a  comprehensive informational email to the Club’s membership will be sent in late November, at the latest. 

7. Fees 

The Club will consider implementing the use of mobile payment apps to reduce congregating at  the donation box. 


8. Known viral transmission

We ask Teacup skiers to please notify the Oregon Health Authority at https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID-19 about known or suspected COVID-19 cases after using the Teacup Nordic trails. 

If the Club learns that a user or a user’s family member or close associate has tested positive for  COVID-19, the Club will: 

1) Contact the Oregon Health Authority for guidance. Subsequent actions will depend, in  part, on the guidance received. A full “closure” of the ski area – in the form of notices to  the membership and locking the toilet doors – will almost certainly not be necessary but  cannot be ruled out. The Club’s cooperation for contact tracing may be required. 

2) Update the website and send an email to the membership. Without identifying the  affected users, the notices will provide the dates and approximate times of their  previous visits to Teacup and recommend that anyone else who might have been at  Teacup monitor their symptoms and consult a doctor. 

3) Re-valuate the measures outlined in this plan in light of the number and severity of  infections to determine whether improvements are needed.


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